Make a Gift to United Way Fox Cities
Looking to make a gift by Stock? Please provide your Financial Advisor with the following information:Firm: Robert W. Baird & Co.DTC Number: 0547Account Title: United Way Fox Cities, Inc.Account Number: 8504-9551
Please contact United Way Fox Cities at 920.954.7210 with any questions.
Please select your pledge type
Bill Me
One-Time Credit Card
Recurring Credit Card
Credit Card Payment
Total Pledge Amount:
Bill Me Payment
Billing Frequency:
Securities Payment
Reminder Start Date:
My gift qualifies me as a member of LINC!LINC is for people aged 30 and under with individual or combined annual giving of $5 per week ($250 per year) or more to United Way Fox Cities. Click here for more information
My gift qualifies me as an Emerging Leader!Emerging Leaders is for people aged 40 and under with individual or combined annual giving of $10 per week ($500 per year) or more to United Way Fox Cities. Click here for more information
Birth Date
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Address Line 2:
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*Credit card contributions: the address you provide must match the billing address you have on account with your credit card company or card-issuing bank.
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