Make a Gift to United Way Fox Cities

Looking to make a gift by Stock?  
Please provide your Financial Advisor with the following information:

Firm: Robert W. Baird & Co.
DTC Number: 0547
Account Title: United Way Fox Cities, Inc.
Account Number: 8504-9551

Please contact United Way Fox Cities at 920.954.7210 with any questions.


Credit Card Payment


Bill Me Payment

Securities Payment

Jan 01, 2025
All information is kept confidential and is used only by United Way Fox Cities. We do not sell or share our list of contributors with other organizations. Read our complete privacy policy online at We do not provide goods or services in whole or for partial consideration for any contribution made to the organization via this pledge form.
If you would like your contribution to be counted toward your workplace's United Way campaign, please provide us with your employer information:

Thank you for completing this survey. 

Confirmation page may take a few moments to display. Please click the "Confirm" button only once. Thank you!

*Credit card contributions: the address you provide must match the billing address you have on account with your credit card company or card-issuing bank.